Companies who employ more than 50 employees or who’s annual turnover is higher than their industries
threshold must be compliant with Employment Equity Act. Failure to comply can lead to
severe penalties of up to 10% of your annual turnover or R2.7 million.

We assist your company with the compliance of the EE Act by:

• Drafting your Employment Equity reports (EEA2, EEA4, EEA12, EEA13). These reports must be submitted to the Department of Labour on an annual basis.

• Compiling of EE templates (meeting minutes, EE manager appointment letter, nomination/ election forms, etc.)
• We provide our clients with these templates and assist them with the implementation thereof.

• Attending your Employment Equity meetings.

• Full assistance with EE audits, liaising with DOL.

For more information on the compliance of Employment Equity or how we can assist
your company, contact us on 010 900 0471 or request a free consultation below.