All companies with an annual payroll of R500 000 or more must register for Skills Development Levies.
Companies who are registered for Skills Development Levies must pay
1% of their annual payroll towards SARS as Skills Development Levies.


SDC Consult can help you benefit from these levies by:

• Submitting a WSP/ATR report for your company on an annual basis.

• With this submission we claim back 20% of your SDL in the form of a Mandatory grant.

• We apply for Discretionary grants (Qualifications funded by your SETA), this includes
Learnerships, Bursaries, Apprenticeships, RPL, Skills Programs, etc.

• Attend to WSP/ATR queries and ensure that all DG applicants are registered.

• We work directly with your BEE consultant, providing them with an approved WSP/ATR
submission and ensuring that your DG application is aligned with your BEE requirements.

For more information on these submissions or how to maximize the benefits
of Skills Development Levies, contact us on 010 900 0471 or request a free consultation below.